Astrophotography by Iván Éder
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Astrophotography by Iván Éder
Ou4 - The Giant Squid
Ou4 - The Giant Squid
Stargate - IC410
Starbirth region of IC410
Cosmic Hand Nebula
dark nebulas in Cassiopeia
Vela Supernova Remnant
in Vela
on the morning of 13th, July
Comet Neowise above the Danube Bend
Morning view from Dobogókő
C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) meets NLC
on the morning of 8th July
The Great Orion Nebula
M42, M43, NGC 1977
Blue diamonds on a golden carpet
Messier 7, The Ptolemy Cluster in Scorpius
NGC 3576 - 3603, Statue of Liberty Nebula
NGC 3576 - NGC 3603
Seahorse Nebula
LDN 1150 in Cepheus
NGC 6914 bright Nebulae
in Cygnus
Omega Centauri (NGC 5139)
in Centaurus
Rabbit Nebula (Thor's Helmet, NGC 2359)
in Canis Maior
Camaeleon I Cloud
Monkey-head Nebula, IC2631, Ced-110, Ced-111
Rosette Nebula
NGC 2237, NGC 2244
Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038-39)
in Corvus
The Tulip and Cygnus X-1
in Cygnus
The Lupus 3 Cloud (Bernes 149)
at the border of Scorpius and Lupus
Lagoon Nebula (M8)
in Sagittarius
The North America Nebula - NGC 7000
in Cygnus
Hands Nebula (NGC 6188)
in Ara constellation
vdB 141 - Ghost Nebula region
in Cepheus
Pinwheel Galaxy (M 101)
in Ursa Maior
Veil-Nebula (NGC 6960)
Western region
Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
in Triangulum
Soap Bubble and Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888)
in Cygnus
NGC 3293, NGC 3324
in Carina
Elephant's Trunk Nebula (IC 1396A)
in Cepheus
IC 59, IC 63 and Gamma Cassiopeiae
in Cassiopeia
Center of Heart Nebula
in Cassiopeia (IC 1805, Mel 15)
Centaurus A radio galaxy (NGC 5128)
in Centaurus
Colorful Clouds of Antares and Rho Ophiuci
in Scorpius, Ophiucus
Helix Nebula - NGC 7293
in Aquarius
Running Chicken Nebula
IC 2944, IC 2948 in Centaurus
Sculptor Galaxy - NGC 253
in Sculptor
Blue Horsehead Nebula
IC4592, IC4601 (Scorpius)
Horsehead Nebula region
B33, IC434, NGC2023-2024 in Orion
Beautiful Flower of Sagittarius
M 20 Trifid Nebula, M21 Open Cluster in Sagittarius
M 81-82 and Integrated Flux Nebula
in Ursa Maior
Sharpless - 1
in Scorpius
Centaurus - Crux - Carina
Widefield image
Lagoon and Trifid Nebula (M8, M20)
in Sagittarius
Dark Doodad Nebula
in Musca
47 Tuc globular cluster
near the Small Magellanic Cloud in Tucana
Colorful Clouds of Rho ophiuchi
at the border of Scorpius and Ophiucus
Colorful clouds of Antares
in Scorpius
The Tarantula Nebula
in Dorado
Pipe Nebula
in Ophiucus
Snake Nebula region
in Ophiucus
The Baby Eagle Nebula (LBN 777)
in Taurus
M 106 galaxy and its neighbours
in Canes Venatici
Centaurus A (NGC 5128) radio galaxy
in Centaurus
Antares - Rho Ophiuchi area
in Scorpion and Ophiuchus
The pair of Jewel Box (NGC 4755) and Beta Crucis (Mimosa)
in Crux
The Anteater Nebula (NGC 6726)
in Corona Australis
Eta Carinae Nebula (NGC 3372)
in Carina
Comet 103P/Hartley meets Double Cluster
NGC 869-884 in Perseus
Sagittarius and Scorpius widefield
widefield image
Omega Centauri (NGC 5139)
in Centaurus
The Large Magellanic Cloud
at the border of Dorado and Mensa
Northern part of Vela Supernova Remnant
in Vela
Vela Supernova Remnant area
in Vela
Soul Nebula (Sh2-199, IC 1848)
in Cassiopeia
The beautiful pair of IC 405 and IC 410
in Auriga
The California Nebula (NGC 1499)
in Perseus
The Pleiades (M45)
in Taurus
The pair of NGC 6946-6939
at the border of Cygnus and Cepheus
Outburst of SN 2009jf supernova in NGC 7479 galaxy
NGC 7479 galaxy and SN 2009jf supernova
in Pegasus
The Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
in Andromeda
LBN 468 and PV Cephei (Gyulbudaghian's Nebula, HH215)
at the border of Cepheus and Draco
The Wild Duck Cluster (M11)
in Scutum
The VdB 152 Nebula Complex
in Cepheus
IC 1318 Emission Nebulae
around Gamma Cygni
NGC 4565 galaxy
in Coma Berenices
NGC 4725, 4747 and 4712 galaxies
in Coma Berenices
M 81-82, and Integrated Flux Nebula
first, 2009 version
Iris Nebula (NGC 7023), and surrounding dark nebulas
in Cepheus
NGC 5907 and nearby galaxies
in Draco
Pinwheel-Galaxy (M 101)
2009 image with DSLR
The Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405)
in Auriga
The Whirlpool-Galaxy (M51)
in Canes Venatici
Center of the Heart Nebula (IC 1805)
in Cassiopeia
IC 59-63 Nebulas
in Cassiopeia
The Pelican Nebula (IC 5070)
in Cygnus
VdB 141 region
in Cepheus
M13 Globular Cluster
in Hercules
M63, The Sunflower Galaxy
in Canes Venatici
The Markarian's Chain
NGC4477, 4473, 4458-61, 4435-38, M86, M84 in Virgo
The "Leo Trio" Galaxy Group
(M65, M66, NGC3628) in Leo
The Witch Head Nebula
(IC 2118) in Eridanus
The Rosette Nebula
(NGC 2238) in Monoceros
Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
in Triangulum
M 77 and NGC 1055 galaxies
in Cetus
Vdb 158 nebula complex
in Andromeda
The Sculptor Galaxy
(NGC 253) in Sculptor. 2007 image.
The Helix Nebula
(NGC 7293) in Aquarius
NGC 891 galaxy
in Andromeda
The Cave nebula region (Sh2-155)
in Cepheus
Sh2-132 nebula region
in Cepheus
Cocoon nebula (IC 5146)
in Cygnus
Lagoon and Triffid area
in Sagittarius
M20 (Trifid nebula) and M21 open cluster
in Sagittarius
Propeller nebula (DWB 111)
in Cygnus
Eastern part of the Veil nebula (NGC 6992)
in Cygnus
Western part of the Veil nebula (NGC 6960)
in Cygnus
The Eagle nebula (M16)
in Serpens
Crescent nebula region (NGC 6888)
in Cygnus
B142-143 dark nebulas
in Aquila
M13 globular cluster
in Hercules
The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)
in Canes Venatici
The Pacman nebula (NGC 281)
in Cassiopeia
The part of North-America nebula
in Cygnus
Dumbell nebula (M27)
in Vulpecula
Horsehead nebula region
in Orion
Christmas tree cluster region (NGC 2264)
in Monoceros
The Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
in Andromeda
IC 1805
in Cassiopeia
The Iris nebula (NGC 7023)
in Cepheus
NGC 7380 star forming region
in Cepheus
Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
in Triangulum
IC 1396A/B, VDB 142
in Cepheus
The Seven Sisters (M45)
in Taurus
Dumbell nebula (M27)
in Vulpecula
NGC 6914 reflexion nebula
in Cygnus
North-America nebula
in Cygnus
M22 globular cluster
in Sagittarius
Lagoon nebula (M8)
in Sagittarius
M106 and NGC 4217 galaxies
in Canes Venatici
M13 globular cluster
in Hercules
Comet Lovejoy C2013 R1
Jupiter in opposition
2009-2010 images
Saturn in opposition
2007-2008 images
Comet 17P/Holmes
on 12.05.2007
Comet 17P/Holmes
on 11.04.2007
Comet 17P/Holmes
on 11.01.2007
Comet 17P/Holmes
on 11.01.2007 (core region)
Venus and Moon
The Moon
03.27. 2007
Lunar eclipse - 2007 March
the Totality
Lunar eclipse - 2007 March
partial phase
Comet 2006 P1 (McNaught)
from Budapest
Comet C73P
Schwassmann - Wachmann
in 2006
Crater Tycho and Clavius
Crater Gassendi
Crater Ptolemaios, Alphonsus field
The Northern part of the Moon
The Moon (mosaic)
10 képes mozaik
on terminator
19 day old Moon
Theophillius-Cyrillus-Catherina field
Appennines and Plato
Lunar eclipse - 2003
on 9.11.2003
Sunspots from July, 2004
Crater Aristarchus
The Black Venus
Venus transit 2004
Venus and Moon
in daylight
Crescent Venus
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