Astrophotography by Iván Éder
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Astrophotography by Iván Éder
Fornax 51 mount images
Fornax 51 mount images
Ou4 - The Giant Squid
Ou4 - The Giant Squid
Stargate - IC410
Starbirth region of IC410
Cosmic Hand Nebula
dark nebulas in Cassiopeia
Seahorse Nebula
LDN 1150 in Cepheus
NGC 6914 bright Nebulae
in Cygnus
Rosette Nebula
NGC 2237, NGC 2244
The Tulip and Cygnus X-1
in Cygnus
vdB 141 - Ghost Nebula region
in Cepheus
Pinwheel Galaxy (M 101)
in Ursa Maior
Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
in Triangulum
Soap Bubble and Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888)
in Cygnus
Elephant's Trunk Nebula (IC 1396A)
in Cepheus
IC 59, IC 63 and Gamma Cassiopeiae
in Cassiopeia
Center of Heart Nebula
in Cassiopeia (IC 1805, Mel 15)
Horsehead Nebula region
B33, IC434, NGC2023-2024 in Orion
M 81-82 and Integrated Flux Nebula
in Ursa Maior
The Baby Eagle Nebula (LBN 777)
in Taurus
M 106 galaxy and its neighbours
in Canes Venatici
The Pleiades (M45)
in Taurus
The pair of NGC 6946-6939
at the border of Cygnus and Cepheus
The Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
in Andromeda
LBN 468 and PV Cephei (Gyulbudaghian's Nebula, HH215)
at the border of Cepheus and Draco
The VdB 152 Nebula Complex
in Cepheus
NGC 4565 galaxy
in Coma Berenices
NGC 4725, 4747 and 4712 galaxies
in Coma Berenices
M 81-82, and Integrated Flux Nebula
first, 2009 version
Iris Nebula (NGC 7023), and surrounding dark nebulas
in Cepheus
NGC 5907 and nearby galaxies
in Draco
Pinwheel-Galaxy (M 101)
2009 image with DSLR
The Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405)
in Auriga
The Whirlpool-Galaxy (M51)
in Canes Venatici
Center of the Heart Nebula (IC 1805)
in Cassiopeia
IC 59-63 Nebulas
in Cassiopeia
The Pelican Nebula (IC 5070)
in Cygnus
VdB 141 region
in Cepheus
M 77 and NGC 1055 galaxies
in Cetus
Vdb 158 nebula complex
in Andromeda
The Sculptor Galaxy
(NGC 253) in Sculptor. 2007 image.
The Helix Nebula
(NGC 7293) in Aquarius
The Cave nebula region (Sh2-155)
in Cepheus
Sh2-132 nebula region
in Cepheus
Comet Lovejoy C2013 R1
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