C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) meets NLC
on the morning of 8th July

Éder Iván
Bright, and colorful NLC formed on the morning of 8th, July. It reached the bright comet C/2020 (NEOWISE), and the two really rare phenomenon gived beautiful pair on the sky. The cool colors and linear structures of the NLC maked really interesting contrast of the warm tones and structures of the comet.
Image details
- Instrument:
- Canon EF 2.8/200mm lens operated at F/4
- Camera:
- Canon EOS 6D
- Mount:
- Tripod
- Guiding:
- No tracking
- Exposure time, filters:
- 1 s
- Location, date:
- Budakalász, Hungary, 2020.07.08.
- Observing conditions:
- Temperature: +12°C
- Processing:
- Photoshop